По непотвърдена информация Skyclad ще свирят в България на 31 октомври! Силно се надявам, тези слухове, които са пуснати от новооткрития клуб "The Box", да се окажат реалност! Фолк метъла е моя слабост и за мен едни от най-добрите в този стил са именно Skyclad.
Музиката със северни мотиви, прекрасната лирика и добрите вокали създават една приказна музика, която има огромно количество фенове както навсякъде по света, така и в България. Всеки, присъствал на концерта на Kreator помни фолкметълите Eluveitie. Те буквално "взривиха" меломанските представи на онези, които не знаеха какъв е този стил в музиката. За всеки, харесващ фолк метъла, Eluveitie донесоха екстаз...
А по моето скромно мнение Skyclad са по-интересна група и по-мелодично звучаща. Определено има много фенове тук и силно вярвам тяхното гостуване да се осъществи!
И все пак нека чуем една тяхна песен, ако не съм бил достатъчно убедителен. Избрал съм The Parliament of Fools.
All the seats are taken in the house that makes the rules
All the seats are taken in 'The parliament of fools'
The discontented winter howeld, when I first came up to vote
They swept in on a sea of change, but I'm glad I missed their boat
As communities were taxed and torn, utilities got floated
And for eighteen years the 'true blue' cause
prevailed and was promoted
How do you cast your vote in a parliament of fools?
How do you cast your vote in a parliament of fools?
How I took me off a college for to learn philosophy
Studied Paine and Machiavellin spin and sophistry
But coming from a county that was redin tooth and claw
For a one-horse-race some lobby-fodder-donkey
was brought forth
How do you cast your vote in a parliament of fools?
How do you cast your vote in a parliament of fools?
All the seats are taken in the house that makes the rules
All the seats are taken in 'The parliament of fools'
Armed ith this liberal knowledge, I set off to London town
To see 'the seat of wisdom' and hear justice handed down
Not 'a semblance of normality', an assembly of insanity
I'll not become a member of of this parliament most foul
How do you cast your vote in a parliament of fools?
How do you cast your vote in a parliament of fools?
Yes, all the seats are taken and our confidence is shaken
How do you cast your vote in a parliament of fools?
All the seats are taken in 'The parliament of fools'
The discontented winter howeld, when I first came up to vote
They swept in on a sea of change, but I'm glad I missed their boat
As communities were taxed and torn, utilities got floated
And for eighteen years the 'true blue' cause
prevailed and was promoted
How do you cast your vote in a parliament of fools?
How do you cast your vote in a parliament of fools?
How I took me off a college for to learn philosophy
Studied Paine and Machiavellin spin and sophistry
But coming from a county that was redin tooth and claw
For a one-horse-race some lobby-fodder-donkey
was brought forth
How do you cast your vote in a parliament of fools?
How do you cast your vote in a parliament of fools?
All the seats are taken in the house that makes the rules
All the seats are taken in 'The parliament of fools'
Armed ith this liberal knowledge, I set off to London town
To see 'the seat of wisdom' and hear justice handed down
Not 'a semblance of normality', an assembly of insanity
I'll not become a member of of this parliament most foul
How do you cast your vote in a parliament of fools?
How do you cast your vote in a parliament of fools?
Yes, all the seats are taken and our confidence is shaken
How do you cast your vote in a parliament of fools?
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